Students receiving Samsung Galaxy 4 tablets as part of the Tablet Project of the Aron and Christina Foundation, have not only been given a key tool which they can use for academic success, but what they have been given is, “a gift of opportunity.”
Minister of Housing, Lands and Rural Development, Denis Kellman, made the above observation, as he delivered remarks on Friday, on the occasion of the presentation of tablet computers to Class 3 pupils of four primary schools in St. Lucy, namely, the Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy, Ignatius Byer and Selah primary schools.
“In Barbados today and indeed sitting before me, there are children that can do more with computers than most of us can. What they will be given today is the gift of opportunity,” Kellman announced.
“The famous musician and composer Mozart was picking out musical chords at three years old. By the time he was four, he was playing short pieces, and at five, composing music. This all was achieved primarily because they were musical instruments in the house. Students, one of the key tools to your academic success will be going home with you today. Just as Mozart used the tools he had access to, to create something with everlasting beauty, I want you to do the same,” he admonished the primary school pupils.
Turning his attention to the husband and wife team of Aron and Christina Truss of the Aron and Christina Foundation, Minister Kellman thanked them for “actively pursuing their vision”. Noting that the Aron & Christina Truss Foundation has in the past donated and presented tablets to the class 3 students and teachers of the Half Moon Fort Primary School, Kellman acknowledged that last year, Ignatius Byer Primary School was added as a recipient and he was delighted to see all the primary schools in the parish now benefitting from the initiative.
“1 Corinthians 12:31 says “Covet earnestly the best gifts”. While I did not covet, I wanted all the schools in this great parish to be beneficiaries of this gift. I hope that other individuals and private sector agencies can see this good work and in that sense, want to covet the gift of charity and donate to the Aron and Christina Truss Foundation,” Kellman commented.
“The need for investors and investment is a very topical issue in the country presently (and) this effort of investing in our children is timely and greatly appreciated,” he added.
Principals of the respective schools – Charles Hinds of St. Lucy Primary, Veronica Best of Half Moon Fort, William Grazettes of Ignatius Byer and Maxine Husbands of Selah primary – expressed their gratitude for the donation, indicating that the tablets, the latest in hand held technology, will be used for research purposes as well as school projects and in the general delivery of education in the classroom.